Three Worlds
In this Manuscript, we are going
to explore the Three Worlds.
The First world is the one where
Lucifer the High and Anointed Angel Reigned.
The Second World, the Present World,
in which is the Existence of Human Race.
The Third World is those that will
come from the Existence of this World and those that Existed In the First World.
The Three worlds coincides or overlap
that which is taken from all existences and combining them, making up the total of that of What God is.
We know that when God creates anything,
or any existence, it is, created from that which is good.
God said that in the Book of Geneses
and declared that the Creation that took place or implemented was good.
There was a Reason for the Earth
to have become void and that Darkness was upon the face of the Deep.
Deep refers to more than what one
would call a hole that deep in the ground or the waters are deep.
Deep can mean that something that
is implied is beyond the reach of the presence existence.
To be able to explore the limits
of any given factor; It must be reached, or explored by creating the means to reach into, or God.
In the book of Job referred to the
Deep as being Frozen, meaning that any given thought that lies far beyond the reach of one's mind, can be discarded would
be like water that is Congealed which means to be Hard.
It does not dismiss the fact that
it being hard, that it is impossible to explore it by means, which one can possess.
To look back by Revelations, that
which is necessary for one to have an open firsthand knowledge to any given instance or situation, one must surpass the Hardship
or the Efforts of that which makes it as a Hidden Revelation.
Again God spoke in Job, and said
it was Hidden. Job 38:30 (KJV)
The waters are hid as with a stone,
and the face of the deep is frozen.
Notice he said that the Waters are
hid with a Stone.
What this is saying is that; “Waters
referring to People” or those that exist in this existence, are hid with a Stone, that Stone is Jesus Christ.
Daniel 2:45 (KJV)
Forasmuch as thou sawest that
the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver,
and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the
interpretation thereof sure.
This Mountain is the Mount of God.
Genesis 22:14 (KJV)
And Abraham called the name of that
place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
The Beast that is referred to in
the Garden: the one that Beguiled Eve into taking the forbidden fruit, from a forbidden Tree.
Tree’s are symbolic of the
Existence of god’s created existence, by that I mean, that trees is depicted to represent , Powers, or individuals.
Satan was depicted a Tree; Ezekiel
31:9 (KJV)
I have made him fair by the multitude
of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him.
Here is the prophecy of Satan when
he existed in the Realm of the Garden of Eden.
Strange as it may sound, God allowed
this Satan to come into the presence of what, or, that which was prepared for Adam and eve to dwell in.
Just why would God allow this beast
to come into the presence of his Creation in the first place?
Our Existence is what is called
a Choice Existence, that is, we are brought into this existence by Choice.
Choice Creates other Existences,
from the Existence of Choice.
We could say that Choice is described
by the Word, “ Love” and this would impel us to realize that Choice is what Love is all about.
Choice is God in his ability to
choose to create an existence from the existence of that which does not appear, by that I mean, “ Out of Love”
comes all existence of that which exists.
The World was created from the existence
of Love, and the world is the Habitation of the Existence that existed, or came from the existence of Love itself.
Love must abide in some existence,
otherwise we could say, “ Love is Unknown without Occupation”.
O the Depth of gods wisdom, and
his ways are past finding out.
Man seeks to know what lies beyond
our minute wisdom, and much effort is put into finding out that which exists beyond our capacity, or, ability’s.
It is said that God came from’
“ Teman” Habakkuk 3:3 (KJV)
God came from Teman, and the Holy
One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.
Teman is a descriptive of that of
someone that would be facing the East, and would be the Right Hand, or, The South.
We know that South depicts Power,
such as when we see the Tornado or the Hurricanes they come against the North Cold wind, and when the Two come together it
bring mush destruction to those that are not prepared or warned to get out of its path.
So is with God, God represents Power,
and by that I mean, when Evil goes out and just as the south wind pushes north, they collide, thereby giving such a force
that one has to overcome the other.
Even though Cold Air is dominant,
when the South Wind pushes at it, it becomes less destructive and is pushed back for the time being.
As the Sun, the light lays to the
South, the North Wind becomes more dominant, for the reason that if must be there for the good that is purposed for.
Christ sits on the Right hand of
God, and we could say, as the South in power, or the Right hand of Power.
East is where God Prepared a Garden
for Adam and Eve to exist in, and we could, or might say that this was just a Temporal place, or a place of Choices.
Let’s imagine that God is
facing the East, or his Face where he would be looking would be called the East, and to his right would be His Right Hand,
which is Christ he only begotten son, and on the Left would be the North or the More Dominant, or the Cold hard Frozen, lifeless
existence, and the South, which is the Right, would be where the Sun would Clematises that existence that would be implemented.
What the word Clematises means is
the following;
Clear out
Clear thought
Clear up
Cleave to
Clever answer
From this we can see why it was
stated that , “ God came from Teman”
Edom was depicted in the Bible as
that of Esau, the Brother of Jacob, and we know that he sold his birthright to Jacob for some lentil's because he was hungry
and Cold and was in a Dire Straight, meaning he had gotten himself into this situation by his own desires to be some great
one, or was so eagerly ambitious to gain power over others that he forgot where and what his values was.
Jacob, along with his Mother’s
help took advantage of the situation, and through crafty endeavor’s, Jacob took the Birthright away from Esau, or Edom.
Edom always wanted to be Higher
and Made their residence among the Eagles, or in the Clefts of the Rocks of Petra.
It is said that only a few men could
hold back an entire army, because of the Narrow Passages that led into where the Edomites dwelled.
God later brought them down, because
of their pride, and we know that God hates pride.
Pride, Fullness of Bread and Idleness
among the Daughters was the reason of the fall of Sodom and nearby towns.
So, when we think about how that
God came from Edom, it is saying that the results of that of the Right Hand, in it’s power, or the Word of God which
is as the Right Hand of God, or the finger of God, as the South wind pushes against the North Wind, then when these two clash,
there is much destruction and many suffer loss because of it.
Satan is what is Called the Left
or the North, and is always with a Cold Heart pushing south, and just as the sun moves farther south, the North Cold pushes
deep into the South’s Territory, causing loss to crops that would normally thrive on the mild southern climate.
It would be like God asking the
South wind, “ Where have you been” the reply would be, “ I been pushing Northward and causing the Climate
to Warm up” Why would you be doing that ?. so that there would be food to supply the need of my people.
And we could say that God Came from
Teman, or was returning from the North to make things a little brighter or better for those that desire to inhabit the north.
Mount Paran, is to say that things
are lively and Green or has branched out.
Habakkuk 3:3 (KJV)
God came from Teman, and the Holy
One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.
»Strong’s Help Pa'ran, Hebrew
6290, Strong’s Pa'ran, paw-rawn'; from Hebrew 6286 (pa'ar); ornamental; Paran, a desert of Arabia :- Paran.
»Strong’s Help pa'ar, Hebrew
6286, Strong’s pa'ar, paw-ar'; a primitive root; to gleam, i.e. (causative) embellish; figurative to boast; also to
explain (i.e. make clear) oneself; denominative from Hebrew 6288 (pe'orah), to shake a tree :- beautify, boast self, go over
the boughs, glorify (self), glory, vaunt self.
»Strong’s Help pe'orah, Hebrew
6288, Strong’s pe'orah, peh-o-raw'; or pora'h, po-raw'; or pu'rah, poo-raw'; from Hebrew 6286 (pa'ar); properly ornamentation,
i.e. (plural) foliage (including the limbs) as bright green :- bough, branch, sprig.
»Strong’s Help pa'ar, Hebrew
6286, Strong’s pa'ar, paw-ar'; a primitive root; to gleam, i.e. (causative) embellish; figurative to boast; also to
explain (i.e. make clear) oneself; denominative from Hebrew 6288 (pe'orah), to shake a tree :- beautify, boast self, go over
the boughs, glorify (self), glory, vaunt self.
Here we can see that God is returning
from the Battle that he must fight continually because of the Evil that Satan, the Cold Hearted individual that he is.
That is why that we are in a continuous
battle with evil, as Paul said:
2 Cor. 12:7 (KJV)
And lest I should be exalted above
measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet
me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
God has left this Messenger, this
Cold Frozen Deep Voice there to keep us under Subjection, so that we, ourselves will not become exalted, just as Esau was
always flexing his muscles, we would do the same.